Are you trying to improve your knowledge of Irish? Are your children going to a Gaelscoil?
Our shop is the place to look for books that will entertain and help you as we specialise in books ‘as Gaeilge’ for children, and also for adult learners.
We also stock books of interest in relation to the locality, particularly the Blasket Islands, and of local authors. Maps and walking guides are also stocked, and locally-produced cards and DVDs.
Posters and other teaching aids for people working with children as Gaeilge are also stocked, and it is often remarked that we are a good place to find material not available in other, more mainstream bookshops.
While browsing in the shop, why not enjoy a freshly-brewed cup of coffee and a home-baked scone or slice of cake?
So do call in, even if you are not planning a visit to the museum this time around.

Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne publications
The following publication, as well as many others published by our organisation, can be obtained on line from the following site:, or call in and check out the range in our bookshop.
The Dingle Peninsula has an interesting and varied flora, including some Lusitanian and Alpine species not generally found in Ireland. This was recognised by Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, who commissioned Máirín Uí Chonchubhair (with the assistance of Aodán Ó Conchúir, photographer) to carry out a survey of these plants, as well as to collect folk-cures and other béaloideas (folklore) associated with them. A selection of this survey was published as Flora Chorca Dhuibhne Aspects of the Flora of Corca Dhuibhne. This full colour, hard-back volume is available in the Múseum Chorca Dhubihne bookshop, now at the special price of €15.
(Flora Chorca Dhuibhne Aspects of the Flora of Corca Dhuibhne by Máirín Uí Chonchubhair with photographs by Aodhán Ó Conchúir. Botanical editor: Caroline Mhic Daeid. 1995 (reprint 1998). Hardback. 270 + xviii pages.)
The archive of this survey is also housed in Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne and may be consulted by researchers by appointment.